Code of working practice.
Full description can be found on this page
  •  1, Respect the mole at all times.
  •  2, Before commencement of work make a full assessment of the area
  • 3, Consider the use of the area/s
  • 4, Only use good quality proven devices that are in good working order
  • 5, Always consider the risks to the use of a mechanical device.
  • 6, Be both open and discreet in the service you provide.
  • 7, All mechanical devices must be inspected once a day
    8, Always record the quantity of devices used at a location
  •  9, Always remove all devices from a location


This code is openly and publicly displayed to avert any person/s claims of evasion or inability to adhere to its contents to be identified. This working practice is not a legal requirement but is structured to provide a clear identification that by the correct approach, attitude, and ability that moles can be humanely controlled by the use of mechanical devices in a professional and commercially viable method.
Working to a code of practice identifies a proficient stance to the task that has been requested, and when such a commission requires the removal of the existence of an animal then the best possible compassion and proficiency must be the principal concern.Employing a proven working practice will provide a minimum standard for such a task and regulate to maintain those levels and provide a better service to both client and target species
These simple points combine to create a workable practice that has been proven for use.


Increases mole welfare
Raises your standards
Increases your efficiency
Puts  safety first
Boosts your productivity
Empowers you as an individual
Develops your businesses


.1, Respect the mole at all times.
It is important to recognise the mole as a living mammal and to provide full consideration to its welfare whilst under the control of man in any way to reduce possible unnecessary suffering.

.2, Before commencement of work make a full risk assessment of the area
consider the personal and /or risks to third parties or other non target species.Risks need to be evaluated and measures taken to reduce and/or remove potential harm from any possible actions that will or maybe undertaken in the works of mole removal

.3, Consider the use of the area/s
Always consider the use of the area where you are required to work and what type of device would be beneficial and achieve the results to that location.The choice of device is a personal preference but must be appropriate to its ability to control the target mole in the best and most humane way possible but also correct to the location to avoid possible detection or interference from unauthorized persons.

.4, Only use good quality proven devices that are in good working order.
There are currently no approvals for devices used for moles. This allows unsuitable devices to be utilized. If providing a business service, it would be advisable that commercially available devices are purchased from a reputable supplier. However, even suppliers will offer devices of different standards so judge your choice intelligently. The use of inappropriate devices could result in unnecessary suffering, possible prosecution, and/or failure to complete the task. Research the devices carefully and evaluate the operation of all that you may consider for use before placement is made.

5, Always consider the risks to the use of a mechanical device.
When using mechanical devices never leave them exposed, care should be taken to cover to avoid accidentally injuring non target species or third parties and reduce tampering.As a working practice, it will be obvious to prevent tampering of devices for safety requirements, but some devices from their designs may be visible when in use. Ensure if using exposed devices that all concerned are made aware to the presence of devices placed.

6, Be both open and discreet in the service you provide.
It is important to be open and explain to any interested party the services you provide. The client must be made aware of the risks and the methods used including any requirement for available access, prohibition of access to other parties/occupations including other species both domestic or livestock.
Fully explain the method used and the reasons for the use of mechanical devices as a traditional method to control moles in the 21st century.

Marking the position or location of devices will sometimes be required under Risk Assessments .Being discreet is often the best option when deploying mechanical devices but some circumstances may require their presence to be identified. Ensure that your system of identifying the position of devices does not pose potential harm to third parties or other non target species. Consider the location and situation when leaving anything that identifies the presence of your placed devices.

7, All mechanical devices must be inspected once a day,
Any mechanical device used against a mole must be inspected a minimum of at least once per day,however where risk assessment identifies, some multiple visits maybe required.
Many will fail to inspect a placed device/s under many guises, such as it is not a legal requirement.

Every animal is a protected species once it enters into any trap, it upon capture becomes protected under the Animal Welfare Act, and prior to that capture, no offence will have been committed. However, if upon inspection any level of suffering has been caused then that is an offence.

The Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs stated that - It will be down to the courts to decide what measures could or should have been taken, to reduce or remove that suffering.
Many trap operators will claim failure to inspect placed traps under frail excuses such as; they had other work commitments or the devices will kill the mole so there is no need to inspect, even claim that they check - regularly, which can be once every few days or once per week providing it is regular it is seen as acceptable?.

Many other professional service suppliers will have work schedules and those controlling moles are no different to other trades. The acceptance to undertake the control of a mole by the use of a mechanical device will require a visit to place that device, so it will be necessary that another visit will be required the next day to inspect it. Therefore, this return visit will be scheduled into the next working day. any person who places a mechanical device knows that a return the next day will be required, if that return cannot be made then the placement should not be made- it is that simple.
 It clearly identifies that to inspect any device once a day is a workable practice, Those employed in the pest control industry are required to operate under obligatory  daily inspection requirements for live trapping and this is often a mandatory twice a day inspection. so provides proof to the acceptance and work ability of a once a day inspection.

The use of a mechanical device involves the termination of a life and indisputably necessitates an assurance to provide a minimum level of welfare and that can only be achieved with a minimum once a day inspection. There will always be possible suffering and it cannot be denied that even with once a day inspections suffering will be reduced, but there must be a minimum requirement.
Multiple visits will reduce levels of possible suffering further, as operators will be able to deal with any mole found to be in distress sooner.
As there is, no approval for devices used against a mole, there will undoubtedly be moles caught unintentionally alive in a device reputedly designed to kill its target mole. Any mole caught unintentionally alive in what is often termed as a kill trap, is considered as an offence, as unnecessary suffering has occurred.

The operation of any device placed for a mole can be influenced by circumstances such as unintentional tampering or from the incorrect placement resulting in the restraint of a live mole.
Many people claim to never have witnessed a live mole in a device, often this is from the length of  time from that placement to inspection, and the mole may have expired from stress, dehydration, or starvation.

There are no excuses to ignore the welfare for animals whilst under the control of man and moles are no exception.

The devices used are employed in a harsh environment that is out of sight and this places further obligation to inspect them once a day.

The person responsible for the placement of the device is also the person responsible for its inspection,
if an inspection of a device reveals that the target mole remains alive it must be despatched immediately.
Some operators will request that a third party inspects the device[ it has been known for the client to inspect the device] this is totally unacceptable and  UN-professional.
If a third party inspects a device that contains a live mole and is required to inform the person responsible for its placement,  an offence under the Animal Welfare Act is committed, as unnecessary suffering occurs until the mole has been despatched. This practice is not permitted under the current regulations to prevent such circumstances.
 This practice clearly contravenes the regulations already in force in the United Kingdom and with many persons quick to promote reason not to inspect devices, identifies a lack of professionalism, compassion, and capability to the undertaking.

To inspect devices once a day complies with the requirement to provide a continued risk assessment, circumstances can and will change at a location and may have an effect on your working environment or increase the risk to third parties, non-target species, or your target mole. Also not to inspect device once a day could result from a failure to catch that results in further damage to the clients property which from any lack of attention from the operator could be deemed as unnecessary damage the the property by the mole from a lack of service or compliance by the persons lack of attention to the problem

8, Always record the quantity of devices used at a location.
You must record the amount of devices placed at a location to ensure they are all inspected and removed upon completion of the task. This will reduce the possibility of failure to retrieve all devices that if left in situ could be a hazard to other non-target species or third parties.

9, Always remove all devices from a location
if inspection is no longer to be made then all devices must be removed  .It is not permitted to leave devices in position if they are not required, as they could become a hazard. It is not permitted to leave devices set if no inspection is to be made as this is an admission to the intent to cause possible unnecessary suffering.

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