Moles only move in the night, actually they move in blocks of time, every four hours-no only in blocks of eight hours.
Well this is what you find being spread around and why?
No real reason - but once following laboratory tests they stated that the moles seem to be active in the laboratory - at set times
laboratory moles were observed to become active from 8-am for around four hours when the staff went to lunch then became active again later when they returned.
Moles in a laboratory are completely dependent upon the care shown by the staff, they become accustomed to the timetable of laboratory life. They are fully reliant for all they require on those that have encased them in the artificial world.
What about the reports from those moles monitored in the wild in the environment that the moles actually live?
This research does provide the life of the moles as the mole experiences that environment in which the tests took place. This research was carried out either with a radio active source glued to the tail of a once captured mole and released back into the ground, or by a radio transmitter. The tracking with a radio active source required the mole to be located using a Geiger counter and then followed from above ground. The problem would be the limited distance the counter can locate the source, just a couple of feet. Also the researcher would be required to locate the mole every time the information for the study was required - clearly the problems arise in the mole may move away, go deeper than the ability of the counter to locate the source. To conclude from this source that moles move in blocks of set periods of time would require this study to been constantly maintained twenty four hours a day for many days.
The information provided by radio source relies upon a transmitter fitted to a mole and a radio receiver above ground. The radio will provide a greater distance of contact between the transmitter and receiver than a radio active source and a Geiger counter but still rely upon a constant monitoring by research staff to log the data. This would require like the radio active source for staff to constantly be present twenty four hours a day for long periods of time. Long periods of time are required to establish sufficient evidence of the activities of moles , information from one or two moles at different locations could not positively determine the proof or habits of moles moving in set blocks of time.
When these tracking methods lost contact with the mole was it in a deeper location, or left the area and returned later, was any level of lost signal considered as a period of rest? tracking moles in the wild has many flaws and captive moles are completely influenced by the new strange surroundings they are subjected too,
Moles are completely dependent upon sourcing food to survive, their life consists on finding food and rest. they are completely dependent on the carrying capacity of each chosen location. This is the amount of food present to support the mole, food that is totally dependent upon the influences of that location. The type of soil, the temperature of that soil, moisture content and physical impacts. The mole will from a demand for the food enter a location exploit what available food it can and may leave. They can and will move over vast distances in short periods of time as they require to fulfill their daily needs. The moles live in an almost permanent dark world, they are not influenced by the sun or the moon. when they are hungry they will eat and when they are tired they will rest, they have no perception of time, time was created by humans for humans in the moles environment there is no use for time, molecatchers have a "daily" contact with the moles environment and to date no mole has been seen sporting a pocket watch.